March 2022

Links with Russia and Sanctions

The list of companies cutting ties with Russia is growing – as are the risks if organisations do nothing and maintain their links with Russia. They will face growing pressure from customers, investors and other stakeholders to speak out against Russia. Failure to take a stand could lead to damaging headlines and possible boycotts – silence may be assumed or interpreted as support for Putin.

Moore Global Ending Up Relations with Russian Member Firms

Moore is deeply disturbed by the attack by Russian forces on the people of Ukraine. In the wake of the Russian outrage, Moore Global has taken the decision to end the network's relationship with Russian member firms, believing this is the right decision for the network and the wider society to show solidarity with Ukraine and unity with all civilized world.

Ukraine after 24th of February

24th of February has been recorded in the annals of history as a sorry landmark affecting not only Ukraine, but also the whole world.